High Level Meeting: Healthy Cities: Improving health, equity and sustainability from the local level

image of the spanish presidency in the european Union 2023

Under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Ministry of Health held a “High level meeting" Healthy cities: Improving health, equity and sustainability from the local level in the EU”. The Conference took place in Valencia, in the Joan Plaça Auditorium of the Botanical Garden, 27th-28th September 2023.

The conference aimed to share and highlight experiences of health promotion at the local level in the EU. The current existing challenges such as the climate crisis, the environment, and non-communicable diseases have a significant impact on health, and share common factors and solutions. The local level plays a key role to address and respond to these challenges.

The meeting took place on 28th September, starting at 9:00h and ending at 16:05h. It began with the inauguration and was followed by a keynote speech and three round tables on the following topics: Local health and equity, Community participation and advocacy in local health, and Sustainable and healthy urbanism and active mobility.

The presentations from all speakers and the recording of the meeting are available here:

Video – High level meeting in Spanish

Video – High level meeting in English

  • Programa Webinar Archivo pdf.  Se abrirá en una ventana nueva.
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Wednesday, 27 September 2023

17:30 - 19:00 h. Cultural activity for attendees and speakers - OPTIONAL
Guided tour in the Botanical Garden of Valencia

19:00 h. Informal dinner - OPTIONAL

Thursday, 28 September 2023

8:30 - 9:00 h. Receipt and delivery of documentation
Rapporteur. Mr. Javier Segura. Expert of the Scientific Committee of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network

9:00 - 9:25 h. Institutional opening

9:25 - 9:35 h. Foto de Grupo - view photo Se abrirá en una ventana nueva.

9:35 - 10:05 h. Framework Conference: “Local authorities as promoters of health, equity and sustainability”

Presentation by Ms. Kira Fortune, WHO Regional Coordinator for European Healthy Cities Network
View presentation Archivo pdf.  Se abrirá en una ventana nueva.

10:05 - 10:35 h. Coffee Break

10:35 - 11:50 h. Roundtable 1: Local Health and Equity
Moderator: Ms. Carme Borrell. Manager of the Public Health Agency of Barcelona City Council.


11:50 - 13:10 h. Roundtable 2: Community participation and local health advocacy
: Mr. Javier Segura. Expert of the Scientific Committee of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network.


13:10-14:30 h. Lunch

14:30-15:45 h. Roundtable 3: Sustainable and healthy urbanism and active mobility
Moderator: Ms. Ana los Ángeles Marín Andreu. Director of the Mobility Strategy Office. General Secretariat of Transport and Mobility. Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.


15:45 - 15:55 h. Conclusions
Ms. Pilar Aparicio. Director-General of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Spain

15:55 - 16:05 h. Closing
M. Octavio Rivera Atienza. Sub-Secretary of Health of Spain

Banner de la Reunión de Alto Nivel: Ciudades Saludables: Mejorando la salud, la equidad y la sostenibilidad desde el ámbito local

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